"Glorifying God by Teaching the Church to Reach the World"
"Glorifying God by Teaching the Church to Reach the World"

---the heart of PreVision's Ministry

Ministry Partners

In the U.S.A., PreVision Partnership is dependent on partnerships with individuals, ministries, and churches. These partners make the ministry of PreVision Partnership a reality! Without them no ministry would be possible. They partner in prayer, volunteer work and financial support. The work of Ministry Partners is seen in a passage which is foundational to our ministry (Luke 5:1-11).

1. Ministry Prayer Partners

The Watching & Listening Crowd in Luke 5:1 --- "One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God..." Ministry Prayer Partners are like the listening and watching crowd. They listen to the Word of God and watchfully pray for the ministry.

2. Ministry Volunteer Partners

The Partners in the Other Boat in Luke 5:7 --- "So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink." Ministry Volunteer Partners help with events hosted by PreVision Partnership, including an Annual Dinner, Ministry Trips, special mailings and other events.

3. Ministry Faith/Founding Partners

Peter and His Fishing Partners in Luke 5:5-6, 11 --- “. . . But because you say so, I will let down the nets. When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. . . . So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” Ministry Faith Partners (also known as Ministry Founding Partners) are like Peter and the disciples --- they have given up everything to follow Christ. Supporting ministries like PreVision Partnership is part of their discipleship. They give financially to support the ministry.

Board Partners

Prevision Partnership is also encouraged by its partnership with key people who serve as Board Partners, all of whom are also Ministry Partners. PreVision Partnership has three boards --- a Board of Directors, a Board of Advisors and a Board of Reference --- each of which serve important functions. Click on "Boards" above to see our Board Partners.

Pictured: Shane Lyle with his wife, Cortney, both members of the Board of Directors. Shane writes: 
"I have known Peter since 1993 and have served side by side with him in ministry often. His teaching and pastoring led me to recommit my life to Christ, led my wife, Cortney, to accept Christ, and my mother-in-law to recommit her life. My life and the direction of my family have forever been changed because of his willingness to openly and plainly share the Gospel of Christ. Those times of ministry together have been some of the most challenging and rewarding of my life. Peter, both as pastor and friend, has challenged me, encouraged me, taught me, and broadened my vision of what relational evangelism can accomplish. I welcome the opportunity to actively join him again in a ministry devoted to bringing the lost to Christ and equipping the believer. As a Director and financial contributor with PreVision Partnership, I invite you to consider becoming a Ministry Faith Partner. I would ask you to pray about what your commitment could be. Your resources will be put to use multiplying the ministries of Prevision Partnership and reaching the lost for Christ."

If you believe God might be speaking to you about becoming a Ministry Partner, please contact us at info@previsionpartnership.org.

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Copyright PreVision Partnership Inc. 2016